Our little family is big on themes. And the theme of this weekend has been a soccer one. It started with a friday evening picnic and pick-up soccer game we had with Mike's sister, her husband, and their little ones. It ended with us going to the Real Salt Lake game (our local major league soccer team, pronounced Ree-al)and Mike splurging on good tickets because they were playing LA Galaxy with David Beckham.
(side note: at first we were a little skeptical about all the hype around Beckham, but after clearing a goal from the middle of nowhere and then a picture perfect free-kick goal, we too are now believers. If even if he is an arrogant brit who takes his shirt off and walks late onto the field because he can and if he has a high-pitched femmy voice. He still is one of the best in the game.)
Both nights we had a great time. And I noticed a few similarities and differences between the games:
* Both nights there were moments of unsportsmanship. One night yellow cards were given out, the other just good old time-outs on the blanket.
* Friday night, Eli (my 4yr old nephew), got upset that his team wasn't winning so he threw a tantrum and pushed another player down. Saturday, Donovan from LA did the exact same thing.
* Both nights I found myself cheering just a little for the other team because of really good plays they made.
* The MLS didn't really have the challenge of one of their players being 7 months pregnant, or of a toddler who kept picking up the goal and walking away with it.
* The family league didn't have a problem with cocky players, stupid refs or annoying fans.
* Both nights I ending the evening looking forward to the time (hopefully soon) when we get to do that again.
Proof that we were there with Beckham and #10 from Real, one of Mike's favorites, taking a nice one in the face.
(second side note: the best way to get tickets to Real is through KFC for a discount price or through a Happenings coupon book for an even better discount. And call us if you're going so we can join you!)
2 weeks ago
Fun! Soccer is my favorite sport to watch and how cool to see David Beckham play!
Sorry we didn't win tickets this time, buddy.
Next time.
Fun! We want to come! Let us know when the next game is and we'll pack the minivan!
I'm so jealous that you guys got to see David Beckham and I didn't. I guess that's all for the better. I was hurting Saturday night from the soccer the night before. I was hurting Friday night too. Come to think of it, I'm still in a bit of pain from it. When will I learn not to play sports while really big and pregnant? I just can't say "NO" to soccer (or softball, or soccer golf, or.....)
Talyn & I have been wanting to go to a Real game for years, and just have never gotten around to it. We'd love to go with you guys! And since the indoor soccer coed league is no more (according to rumors - and, darn! I was starting to hype myself up for it!), we really need to get together to play some pickup soccer. Let's plan it in the next two months while Becca's still pregnant (just kidding).
If I am willing to play when I'm 7 months pregnant, of course I'm going to play when I'm 9 months pregnant. It will probably induce labor!! I think Kevin just sees me as a challenge and wants my awesome soccer abilities to be as handicapped at possible. (by the way, I'm still in pain from Friday night, but it was worth it!)
Man I miss that sport. Especially BYU intramurals. LA Galaxy played here last summer. I was to cheap to pay the bazillion they wanted for tickets. My sis-in-law went and he was injured that night and didn't even play. So I guessed it worked out in my favor (she was not happy though)
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