When is comes to picking out what movie to watch, we usually narrow it down to 2 or 3 choices: Guy Film, Chic Flick, or Other. The breakdown of desire to watch a certain genre is almost always like this:
Mike - Guy Film 80% Other 16% Chic Flick 6%
Shaina - Guy Film 22% Other 3% Chic Flick 75%
And since Shaina's desire to see a guy film is never her top choice,but it is greater than Mike's desire to see a chic flick, that's what they watch 90% of the time. (8% of the time Mike is willing to see a chic flick but not because of the movie, he has alterior motives for after movie, and 2% of the time there is no guy film or chic flick worth watching at the time so they watch whatever is on the channel that they already have the tv set to).
There is some insight into why Mike has such a disdain for Chic Flicks. Many of them, he argues, contain a plot line where one character (usually the woman), despite good intentions, does bad things, specifically lying, that advance her relationship with someone she is interested in.
While You Were Sleeping: Lucy lies about her connection to Peter because she doesn't want to hurt the family's feelings, but this lie helps her get closer to Jack.
Beau Jest: Sarah lies to her family about Dave and Chris to protect their feelings, but this lie helps her get closer to Dave.
Sabrina: Lionus lies to Sabrina about everything to proect the family fortune, but this lie helps him get close to her.
It is this underlying theme of deception for affection that most bothers Mike, and fuels his dislike of Chic Flicks.
We would like to hear other's thoughts on these related questions:
1. Why does lying to win hearts seem like such a common thread?
2. What guy films have this same thread in them, but we don't notice it because of all the explosions, chases, and deaths?
Please Respond!
1 week ago
I'm going to have to think about your questions a little more but your movie genre breakdown perfectly describes Will and my movie watching relationship. Good to know I'm not alone. I would also love to pose the follow question: why do I feel guilty for making will watch a chick movie when the last 10 movies we've watched have been guy movies.
For the record, there are three types of chick flicks:
1. Romantic Comedies (i.e. While You Were Sleeping)
2. Period pieces (i.e. Pride and Prejudice)
3. Man-haters (i.e. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood)
Please specify which ones you meant and then I can reply.
Also, for the record, while the lying happens a lot in the romantic comedies, don't forget the OBLIGATORY chase scene at the end where the guy has to run/drive/travel really fast in order to stop the girl from leaving/moving/getting married.
John McClane would never do any of those things.
I love John McClane. He saved all our lives by driving an SUV into an elevator shaft and shooting himself in the shoulder. That's true love.
(Will, Sarah's comment is all the more reason why we need to live near each other)
Well, since I myself just wrote the script for a romantic comedy, I can say that the lying works because it shows how a relationship can change a person, and making them go from a liar to a god person is a very visible way of doing this. As for the other question, James Bond lies to women all the time, but they don't ususally care.
Don't click on the link above, it's spyware/spam.
In fact, Mike and Shaina, you might just want to get rid of that whole post.
If you make it so people have to type in the word before they can post then computers can't post like this.
Joel, while Mike thought your first response was funny, I thought it didn't help at all to answer to our questions. Please try again.
(Mike hates all 3 types of chic flicks and I'm sure he could find examples of lying in at least the first 2).
If we need to we can schedule a time, like a friday or saturday, to meet and discuss these questions over some food and games. Beth and Kaylee could come too.
Oh and thanks for spotting the spam, problem fixed.
I like chic movies, but I also cannot get my Mike to watch them. It makes me feel guilty too! He doesn't like them because they're predictable. Here's the equation: Guy meets girl, Guy falls for girl, Both fall in love, Something bad happens (like the lie is discovered), They break up and feel bad, Chase scene at end, Hook up. I personally need a little predictability in my life. I like it. And they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside and a little mushy. Maybe Shaina, Sarah and I need to get together and have a girls weekend where we watch all the movies we haven't been allowed to watch. What do you say?
Shaun of the Dead!
Shaun of the Dead is a romantic comedy that doesn't have lying in it AND it's one that Mike would like!
I'm all for getting together for a girls movie night, we just need to find a half way point between denver and slc and rent a hotel room :)
p.s. really like your new background
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