June 3rd 2008 marked the closing of a chapter in history, the final day of the Groves Family at West Jordan High School. Their legacy, like most great things, started small. In 1995 Allan was the first to enter the dull brown brick building with gleaming white and blue lockers, a nervous 15 year old sophomore. Shaina, Elise, and Carynn all followed in his wake. In 2008, proof of the presence the family name had held over the years was seen as Riley accepted his diploma. An almost unanimous shout of "RY-MAN" echoed through the stands. The moment was so empowering that as Riley literally danced his way off the stage, the entire audience sat in stunned silence.
Undoubtedly, the Groves siblings have left their mark at WJHS, both individually and collectively. The following are a few statistics showing the influence of WJHS in the Groves household, and of the Groves on the Home of the Jaguars:
Consecutive years at WJHS: 13 (1995-2008)
Cumulative years attending WJHS: 15
Student Drivers to pass and be licensed: 5
Locker combinations remembered: 25+
Hours of Seminary attended: 2,400 +
Parent/Teacher meetings attended: 30+
Prom Dates: 10
Concerts, shows or other performances attended: 300 +
Lunch breaks taken: 3,000 +
Hours of "Pomp and Circumstance" endured: 10 + (Classes of 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008)
*numbers are estimates only
1 week ago
*sniff* *wipes tear*
How about a combied GPA for the 13 years?
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