Thursday, November 12, 2009

Every party needs a pooper...

Our Halloween Party this year was great! Even though what I cooked for dinner didn't really look like I wanted it to, didn't really taste that good, no one got our costume unless we explained it to them, and I didn't get around to posting the pictures until almost 2 weeks later. Oh well, gotta let other people shine once in a while too! Enjoy the show:


Joel said...

I thought the Rubber and Glue idea was hilarious when Mike told me about it!

And it looks awesome!

Scott and Carynn said...

Just for clarification, we were people from the Blue Man Group... just in case it wasn't obvious.

Tina Swift said...

Ohhhh, I get it, Carynn. I thought you were both going as Surprised-y Smurf... I have to say, you are all much more creative than I ever will be. I miss you a lot! And I never would have called it, but Uncle Vic looks WAY more Middle Eastern than I thought he could pull off. Wish we were there!